How do they have the gall to call it “Affordable Care Act”, when my no-frills health insurance bill is increasing 349% for the exact same plan!?! Who are the other 3 people I’m paying to insure? Because I’m sure not getting any additional benefits for 3X the cost. #NObama #UNaffordableCareAct
Could not keep my plan, & premium up $924/Mo.
My wife and I are between 60 & 64. We have an individual insurance plan with Blue Cross Blue Shied of NC. We were notified by BCBS that we would not be able to keep our plan because we could not be grandfathered in since we got our plan after March 2010. We signed up […]
200% increase!
We can’t keep the coverage we had (as Obama promised) Our deductible has increased by $6K. No Co-pay for drugs…not covered. Thanks, but no thanks, we’ll pay the fine.
Insurance rate doubled
My insurance bill just doubled and my deductible increased. Thanks, Obamacare!
Expenses went up
My insurance company sent me a notice that my rates would be going up. What do I get for the esxtra expense? Higher deductible and higher copays. $500 more a year for less coverage doesn’t seem very “affordable” to me!
More cost, less benefit
I’m self-employed and buy my own health insurance. My insurance company just informed me that my monthly premium is now increasing $55 a month and they’ve doubled my out-of-pocket deductible from $3,100 to $6,250 and I have a 30% co-pay to top it off! “Affordable Care Act,” my A$$! Affordable for who? I am so […]
24% premium increase
My family has a high deductible individual plan from BSBS that was grandfathered in under Obamacare. While there is no change in our coverage, the cost of our plan increased by over $3,000 thanks to Obamacare. Remember when President Obama promised an average savings of $2500 per year for health insurance premiums? On top of […]
Insurance premiums increased
I received a letter from my insurance company informing me that my rates will be increasing because of the Affordable Care Act and Minnesota insurance exchange. Sure enough. While I was paying $181 per month, my new rate is $220 per month and there were unspecified changes made to my coverage that’s going to take […]