Free clinic volunteers losing patients to treat

I am a health care professional and have been a free clinic volunteer for the past 5 years. Over the past year, we have been seeing fewer and fewer patients each week. We went from closing the doors after 20 patients to as few as 5-6 patients showing up a day. There have even been […]

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I am a physician and I was disturbed profoundly by the crony nature of the system before Obamacare. When Obamacare mandated this cronyism–making it law–I had no choice but to quit providing health care within that system. But as a pediatric subspecialist, it is difficult to financially compete with subsidized crony health care programs. So […]

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No healthcare coverage after retirement.

I work for a world famous healthcare provider in Rochester. We strive to provide the best patient care in the world. I am proud of this and confident in the care provided for my own health care issues. This year my employer announced that, because of Obama Care, anyone retiring after 12/31/2014 will not have […]

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My plan is gone

My plan is no longer offered, my premiums are up, and I’m going to be paid less because I’m a doctor… Not to mention I have over $100,000 in debt. Thank you Obama.

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Will loose practice as a doctor

I am a nurse, my husband an orthopedic surgeon. My husband has gone to school for 18 years of college to learn how to be an orthopedic surgeon. He and his 11 partners own a successful and busy practice. He works very, very long hours, leaves at 6am and usually gets home at 10pm or […]

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