Open enrollment at my current employer was end of oct-mid nov. I made my elections to be the same as last year, including my health coverage for me and my family through BCBS. As far as I knew all was well until I used my card on Feb.1st for my daughters seizure meds…denied.
1st called BCBS they told me to call my employer
2nd called my employer…they said I waived my health ins during open which I replied no I did not! They said they can’t help me I need to go to “the marketplace” for MN.
3rd I did that takes me to MNsure…can’t enroll because I’m passed open enrollment date…special enrollment doesn’t apply to me…so the circle begins.
4th I am contacting you because you Gov. Dayton and you Amy K. voted for this. I am now facing fines of $700 per person(total of 6) plus $95 month for every month I am not enrolled in an Obamacare plan plus fines from the healthcare facility.
At this point it could very well be an error on my part (however it didn’t just happen to me) in which I’m willing to accept, but I can’t even fix it!..even if I wanted too! ObamaCare won’t let me! Can’t even buy a comparable individual plan for my family that qualifies. So right now I am not wife and 4 kids are not covered and 2 of them have epilepsy and one that has erb’s palsy that was going to get surgery this year.
If you were me…what would you do?
I know what I would like to see…a provision for me to get back on my employers ins through BCBS with a start date of Jan.1 2016 like it was supposed to be.
So if you or your employer messes up…just know after Jan.1 you have no options…it’s what the Fund and the IRS wants. I’m sure there is some good about Obamacare…but this isn’t one of them. If you’re reading this and know something I don’t…please share it. I want to do the right thing, but from where I sitting right now you have tied mine and every other Americans hands who are in the same situation.