90 year old dropped by Doctor

Today, our 62 year old son called us for help in finding a new Doctor for his wife’s mother, aged 90, who was refused care because she is on medicare!! That type of event could happen many times —- but not often be reported. People need to know.

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Can’t keep Doc, less coverage, HUGE premium jump :(

I am both an Insurance adviser as well as an insurance consumer. As an adviser, I work for my clients…NOT the insurance companies. This is very conflicting as from a purely selfish standpoint, I stand to benefit with this Forced enrollment and tax payer handouts. (I still get paid on every one of these policies) […]

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Our family insurance was cancelled

Last week we received a letter from our insurance company informing us that our insurance will be cancelled at the end of 2013. Obama is a complete liar. America is now a third world nation. I am looking for an attorney to represent all of the people across this land who have lost their insurance […]

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The University of Minnesota will be taxed $48 million if they don’t change our plan

My employer, University of Minnesota, will be charged $48 excise tax million because the government considers our healthcare plan a Cadillac plan. I’m including the email below from our vice president: Dear UPlan Members, Federal health care reform, known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), will fundamentally impact the way employers provide coverage to their […]

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I used to have the finest health care in the world

I used to be free to pick and choose. Now without a vote or a politician listening to me my whole world has been destroyed.  I was one of the luckiest people in the world, I was born in the united states of America, because if I had been born elsewhere I would have been […]

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My doctor was complaining about the amount of paperwork, saying he has so much paperwork to do for Obamacare computer requirements that he didn’t have enough time with his patients. I told him I could tell a difference in his disposition. He is usually all smiles, with gentle, kindness oozing from him. That day, he […]

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Could not keep my plan, & premium up $924/Mo.

My wife and I are between 60 & 64. We have an individual insurance plan with Blue Cross Blue Shied of NC. We were notified by BCBS that we would not be able to keep our plan because we could not be grandfathered in since we got our plan after March 2010. We signed up […]

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