I have had health coverage through my husband’s workplace for 29 years (it’s no coincidence that I’ve been married for 29 years). Two weeks ago I got a notice from my husband’s employer that all spouses that are eligible for coverage through their own employer will be dropped from coverage. Let me tell you that […]
Widow with job with no benefits
I am a widow with an 19 yr old and a 16 year old. The 19 year old is in secondary school and does not work in town, we have livestock and he helps on my farm. I was told can only apply for his own plan if he is either married or in the […]
I am just over the cusp to get any tax credits
I am 30 years old. I have an associates degree in liberal arts and I am a certified nurse assistant. I have had 2 jobs the past few years, both of which are cash jobs. I take care of an elderly man as a C.N.A and on the weekend I deliver groceries. I work 55 […]
Doctors in public/municipal hospitals.
There’s a lack of better doctors in publicc/municipal hospitals and of those they have, are of Middle-Eastern(Arabs), Asians(Indian/Bangladesh/Pakistan) and African(Africa) stock. Most of these kinds are less than ideal and have language barriers. Public/Municipal hospitals cite diversity as the reason they recruit these kinds, and while some people have no problems with these clinicians, not […]
Affordable Care Act made my insurance unaffordable.
Insurance Update. As I’ve let everyone know, my family’s BlueCross BlueShield insurance plan that was supposed to be grandfathered under Obamacare ends on 12-31-2015. We met with our Insurance Agent November 4, 2015 and an inferior HSA qualified policy with a 400% higher deductible would cost our family nearly $30,000 (insurance+deductibles) annually out of pocket! […]
I’m one of the 6% that Obama sold to the insurance co.
I finally enrolled in Obama Care for 2 reasons: 1. Needed health insurance to receive medical assistance. 2. Fear of penalties for not having health insurance. Because I am considered to be in the low income class, I received a fair amount of tax credits & was able to pick a reasonable insurance @ a […]
Lifesaving Epipen Unaffordable
My daughter and I both need epipens — the lifesaving medication used to prevent death from anaphylaxis due to severe allergies. This year our employer offered only high deductible plans. High or higher were the options. Premiums increased. Deductible skyrocketed. Plus we have to contribute several hundred dollars every pay period to the HSA account […]
We now pay far more for insurance that provides less.
We could elect to spend the same amount in premiums that we paid prior to Obamacare and have catastrophic insurance, but as a health care provider who has spent 22 years tearing up my own body to care for others, this simply is no option.
Insurance refusals
A pituitary tumor was found over a year ago, which is now created a bleed. Yet due to the fact I have some pituitary function and my other endocrine organs are only diminishing in function at a “reasonable” rate I have been refused not by doctors but by the insurance to allow the neurosurgeon to […]
Limited spine surgery
I was diagnosed with spinal stinosis of the lumbar region. I was scheduled for surgery that would include a fusion to place rods in my back for stability. 10 days before the surgery I was told NO I was not going to have a fusion. They would just remove some bones in the spine and […]
My name is Amy and I’m a single mother of 2 girls living in TN. I have some serious issues with the quoted subsidies from Healthcare.gov in comparison to the calculations by the IRS for the subsidies and that Healthcare.gov CAN NOT tell me what my enrollment application has as my income. I enrolled with […]
We are handicapped by drug formularies.
We are having medications denied that were previously authorized. We are being advised that we have to try three other drugs before they will authorize the drug that the prescription was written for. They are not taking into consideration that our medical records reflect the fact that we have taken these drugs before we found […]
Limited and rationed healthcare.
Because of circumstances that I have no control over, I get government aid and am on Medicaid. Only it’s not Straight or Fee-For-Service Medicaid. It’s the privatized Medicaid aka, Medicaid Managed Care(HMO). Problem with this over Straight Medicaid, is Medicaid Managed Care/HMO, is restrictive, healthcare is rationed and a PCP(Primary Care Provider) have to be […]
No healthcare coverage after retirement.
I work for a world famous healthcare provider in Rochester. We strive to provide the best patient care in the world. I am proud of this and confident in the care provided for my own health care issues. This year my employer announced that, because of Obama Care, anyone retiring after 12/31/2014 will not have […]
choices I can’t make coverage I don’t need
I am loosing my employer based coverage I have had for 38 years because my plan is called substandard . The obamacare plan including the subsidy , or tax that some other poor working person has to pay to support me . Is still so expensive that it is not worth paying for, when I […]
Could not keep my current plan.
My employer could not “keep our current medical plan”. And Minnesota is not going to honor Unpresidential Obama’s “fix” to keep those previous plans. The changes resulted in horrible changes for me. I have Multiple Sclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease. I will now NOT be able to receive my MS medication nor 3 of my […]
Thank you very much !! 2014 can’t get here quick enough !!
Policy done 1/1/2014 After having one for 30 years
My Rx’s not covered new premium 400% higher
Received notice that my medicare advantage plan is discontinued. New plan is 400% higher premium and my prescription drugs no longer covered – one of which is near $400/month. I am on Social Security. The lesson premium plan doesn’t cover drugs. The drug plans don’t cover my prescription drugs. I am basically without insurance now […]
increase premiums, larger deductable, larger copay
I am retired but not of age for medicare. Employer droped retirement healthcare. I am type 2 diabetic, policy on exchange with prescription drugs equal to one I lost premiums went from 9600 to 14600, with deductible from 1500 to 6000, copay from 15 to 120. WHAT IS SO AFFORDABLE ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!
20% Increase with Less Benefits and Higher Copays
I am a 29 year old male with no children and I am used to about a 9% increase each year. No preexisting conditions or major medical problems. I only use it once every couple of years for a standard check-up and the premium went up 20% this time. Still not a huge jump like […]