my husband and I retired in 2016. We are not medicare age yet and knew we would be paying for health insurance, but had no idea our premiums for 2017 would be as outrageous as they are. The lowest cost plan available to us will exceed 18% of our income. The plan available has a $6500 individual deductible. This is deplorable insurance premium for a Cadillac premium. We will have to make a choice to pay our health insurance premiums or pay our bill. No one who has worked hard all their lives be forced by law to pay this outrageous insurance costs. The insurance companies have no limits when it come to premium increases, and we are forced by law to pay them whatever they ask for. Obama care is beginning to sound like a Soprano extortion scheme
Premium Before Obamacare: 1300.00
Premium After Obamacare: 16800.00