1) My sister developed severe stomach pains last year. Had she not had ACA coverage, she would never have been able to see a doctor and would likely have died within a short time. 2) My son has a life threatening blood disorder since age 4. He has been receiving medical treatment for it but […]
Cost and deductibles almost tripled.
My insurance premium costs almost tripled as well as the deductible almost tripled. My choices in plans came down to about 3 due to the fact that either one or none of my doctors were on any of the other plans. I did not want to have to change one or any of my doctors […]
My insurance premiums more than quadrupled!
I resent that I am forced to participate in any of the healthcare exchanges and/or subsidies. I resent that my premium has more than quadrupled since this disaster of a president came into power and the republicans lost their spines and moral centers. I resent that any insurance I participate in now may be paying […]
Pushed into Badger Care; The State Wants All Our Info
I was unmarried when my wife and I conceived. In some states, it would have been easier if we were “domestic partners.” We tried to sign up for the Health Exchange for each of us separately. Needless to say, the plan I used to get for $120/month now costs over $300. I’ll pay less with […]
Tax preparer disregards my statement “I can’t afford it’! Fined!
Went to local Community College where AARP representatives prepare your taxes for free. I pointed out to the AARP rep as she prepared my taxes, that it is obvious I could not afford OCare. She laughed and completed the return, telling me my fine would be well over $200. And added that there may be […]
My name is Amy and I’m a single mother of 2 girls living in TN. I have some serious issues with the quoted subsidies from Healthcare.gov in comparison to the calculations by the IRS for the subsidies and that Healthcare.gov CAN NOT tell me what my enrollment application has as my income. I enrolled with […]
choices I can’t make coverage I don’t need
I am loosing my employer based coverage I have had for 38 years because my plan is called substandard . The obamacare plan including the subsidy , or tax that some other poor working person has to pay to support me . Is still so expensive that it is not worth paying for, when I […]
2014 premium triple
I was shocked to see that my premium next year will be almost triple what I’m paying now. Not only that, my specialist visit costs are up. and my prescription deductible is up 65%.
Not ObamaCare, ACO instead
I am retired and on Medicare. found out several months ago that my clinic is now part of an ACO (AccountableCareOrganization). It seems that Mn is one of a few states that at this point in time allow creation of such entities. Accountable of course means accountable to Medicare, not to the physician and patient. […]
Changed jobs to avoid un-insured tax penalty
Ironically I work as a registered nurse but I don’t have health insurance. The company I worked for required a minimum of 80 hours in 30 days to be eligible for health insurance. In the two years I’ve worked for them, I’ve had one month where I worked enough hours to be eligible. Now with […]
Premium more than doubles, as does my annual out of pocket maximum!
Under the new health care mandate – the insurance company, following the law, has double my premiums as well as my out of pocket maximum. I have less options – just the listed bronze, silver and gold plans. I also – if I go through MNsure have less of a network of places I can […]
Our family insurance was cancelled
Last week we received a letter from our insurance company informing us that our insurance will be cancelled at the end of 2013. Obama is a complete liar. America is now a third world nation. I am looking for an attorney to represent all of the people across this land who have lost their insurance […]
No training for insurance agents
Minnesota has not trained any of the agents who have signed up to sell the Minnesota version of Obamacare. This plan goes into effect in 2 months. How do they think this will even work?
I used to have the finest health care in the world
I used to be free to pick and choose. Now without a vote or a politician listening to me my whole world has been destroyed. I was one of the luckiest people in the world, I was born in the united states of America, because if I had been born elsewhere I would have been […]
My doctor was complaining about the amount of paperwork, saying he has so much paperwork to do for Obamacare computer requirements that he didn’t have enough time with his patients. I told him I could tell a difference in his disposition. He is usually all smiles, with gentle, kindness oozing from him. That day, he […]