This is from the letter I sent to my congressional representative: Subject: Repeal of ObamaCare Dear Congressman Brooks, Health care insurance is something that, thankfully, my family and I have not historically had to worry too much about. Our health care has normally been provided by or heavily subsidized by my employer. However, due essentially […]
choices I can’t make coverage I don’t need
I am loosing my employer based coverage I have had for 38 years because my plan is called substandard . The obamacare plan including the subsidy , or tax that some other poor working person has to pay to support me . Is still so expensive that it is not worth paying for, when I […]
Could not keep my current plan.
My employer could not “keep our current medical plan”. And Minnesota is not going to honor Unpresidential Obama’s “fix” to keep those previous plans. The changes resulted in horrible changes for me. I have Multiple Sclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease. I will now NOT be able to receive my MS medication nor 3 of my […]
Dramatic increase in my premium
I wanted to pass on this information on to a news source in hopes that you can do something with it. My name is Jonathan Gerster and my wife and I live in Eagan, MN. I recently bought health care insurance this past October from Health Partners hoping that my wife and I could find […]
Thank you very much !! 2014 can’t get here quick enough !!
Policy done 1/1/2014 After having one for 30 years
Employee healthcare cost up 73%
Just got my 2014 healthcare package details this week. It includes a 73% increase in premium contribution, $600 deductible increase, and $2,000 increase in out of pocket maximum. My current plan option was discontinued so I could not “keep my plan” even though I was completely satisfied with it. Now I am hoping my current […]
Forced to purchase benefits I will never use.
I am unable to keep my current plan. I am forced to purchase Maternity and newborn care. I am 63 and obviously I do not need that service. I am also mandated to purchase mental and chemical health services. I do not have need for these services either. I am mandated to purchase dental coverage […]
increase premiums, larger deductable, larger copay
I am retired but not of age for medicare. Employer droped retirement healthcare. I am type 2 diabetic, policy on exchange with prescription drugs equal to one I lost premiums went from 9600 to 14600, with deductible from 1500 to 6000, copay from 15 to 120. WHAT IS SO AFFORDABLE ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!
2014 premium triple
I was shocked to see that my premium next year will be almost triple what I’m paying now. Not only that, my specialist visit costs are up. and my prescription deductible is up 65%.
Texas resident with HSA health insurance that is no longer available
Spent 3 hours comparing by existing BCBS high deductible HSA plan to comparable new ACA HSA compatible plans…. nothing exactly like my current one… all priced significantly higher (75% higher was the LOWEST comparable)…. if I change my current plan in ANY manner, it would be terminated and I would be forced to a new […]
I am a senior on a fixed income
My policy with Humana increased and my care decreased
Increase is not reasonable, forced to have certain coverages
As a young middle class worker with family I’m sick to my stomach just from the extra costs we are being forced into, to provide my family with health insurance. I’m 36 years old, married have 18 year old in college and 2 young kids at home. I get a letter in the mail from […]
My plan is gone
My plan is no longer offered, my premiums are up, and I’m going to be paid less because I’m a doctor… Not to mention I have over $100,000 in debt. Thank you Obama.
Higher out-of-pocket
I paid zero out-of-pocket before Obamacare and they paid 80/20. After Obamacare, I have to pay 3000.00 out-of-pocket before they pay 80 /20 . So in other words, I have to pay $3000.00 dollars before my insurance pays 80 % of any bill and $ 6000.00 dollars before they pay 100 % of the bill. So […]
I’m a healthy 50-yr-old male with no pre-existing conditions
I am self-employed, watch my weight and go to the gym on a regular basis. This week I got a letter from my private insurance carrier specifically attributing my premium increase “due to changes in federal law” and federal coverage requirements that I neither want nor need — such as “women’s health services”, “mental and […]
Promised $2,500 reduction, got $2,500 increase
In 2013, I paid $3,600 for a BC/BS policy that cost a total of $17,600 for my family of four. My employer paid $14,000, or about 80% of the annual premium. Next year, my plan with BC/BS will cost me $6,100, and my employer will pay $24,400 (assuming the company still covers 80% of the […]
Premium more than doubles, as does my annual out of pocket maximum!
Under the new health care mandate – the insurance company, following the law, has double my premiums as well as my out of pocket maximum. I have less options – just the listed bronze, silver and gold plans. I also – if I go through MNsure have less of a network of places I can […]
Losing current plan, cannot afford new one
I’m retired, but still 10 years away from being Medicare eligible, so I pay for my own health insurance from the only income I have, which is my pension. The day before the Obamacare launch, I received a letter from my current health insurance company telling me that my current plan was being eliminated. The […]
Omama care is higher for those who have some income
It is is more expensive that employer offer because of this those who worked and are looking for an alternative, this is not a choice. Even for those who have unemployment benefits, it is not a choice
No copays, but higher deductible before insurance pays anything
The prescription I need each month will cost me $150 instead of $50.