Hours reduced and heath care canceled

My employer is no longer willing to work part time employees past 25 hours a week, meaning we all have to get a second job to pay bills. They’re also canceling heath care for part time workers because ACA means we should “be able to find it in the marketplace”. So, no more cheap & […]

Affordable health care act cancelled 6Mo. of my insurance contract!

I have a $9,000 deductible policy that would have been good until June 2014. With the affordable health care act that policy is canceled in Jan.2014, and replaced with a new one. Because I turn 60 before that it causes the premium to almost double. This will cause my insurance costs to go up by […]

ObamaCare is NOT “Affordable”

Notified by Blue Cross Blue Shield that our current High Deductible Major Medical Plan, for use with HSA, will no longer be available, because it does not meet the requirements of ObamaCare. New comparable plan, that does meet requirements is available with a premium increase of $600/month!!! 🙁 $7200/yr more because of ObamaCare. Affordable Care […]

Increase is not reasonable, forced to have certain coverages

As a young middle class worker with family I’m sick to my stomach just from the extra costs we are being forced into, to provide my family with health insurance. I’m 36 years old, married have 18 year old in college and 2 young kids at home. I get a letter in the mail from […]

Required pediatric dental coverage

I am now required to carry dental coverage for my 4 and 2 year old (pediatrician for the latter does not think it is imperative that my little one needs a dental visit any time soon), the total of which is $600/yr. Without the coverage, I would be paying $150-300/yr in actual costs of dental […]

My plan is gone

My plan is no longer offered, my premiums are up, and I’m going to be paid less because I’m a doctor… Not to mention I have over $100,000 in debt. Thank you Obama.

Premium Increase of 24%

Just received a letter from Blue Cross Minnesota that our premiums will be increased by $4,056 for next year. Hey, but we now have, at the age of 61, maternity coverage and pediatric coverage with no deductible! We also get free birth control. WOW!!!

Affordable Care Act Transition Fee

I have employer group insurance. I found this out today. · Affordable Care Act Transition Reinsurance Fee (payable to the Department of Health and Human Services). This new fee will apply to all employees and their dependents who will be enrolled in medical coverage. The fee applies for 2014, 2015 and 2016, although it reduces […]

Higher out-of-pocket

I paid zero out-of-pocket before Obamacare and they paid 80/20.  After Obamacare, I have to pay 3000.00 out-of-pocket before they pay 80 /20 .  So in other words, I have to pay $3000.00 dollars before my insurance pays 80 % of any bill and $ 6000.00 dollars before they pay 100 % of the bill.  So […]

I’m a healthy 50-yr-old male with no pre-existing conditions

I am self-employed, watch my weight and go to the gym on a regular basis. This week I got a letter from my private insurance carrier specifically attributing my premium increase “due to changes in federal law” and federal coverage requirements that I neither want nor need — such as “women’s health services”, “mental and […]

Company plan of 15 years will not be renewed

I am employed by small company of 15 people including owners. Been employed there for 25 years. We had an ultra-premium health insurance plan. It is what the owners wanted.  Health Insurance Company contacts one owner October 3, 2013 and said our company health insurance plan will not be renewed when it expires February 2014. […]

My increase was a direct result of Obamacare

We were told by our company that due to changes in the health care law there was a $340,00.00 increase in cost to our company from our health care provider (CIGNA) . This costs me $96 more per month (26% increase) so now I will have to drop contributions to my 401K plan – I […]

Not ObamaCare, ACO instead

I am retired and on Medicare. found out several months ago that my clinic is now part of an ACO (AccountableCareOrganization). It seems that Mn is one of a few states that at this point in time allow creation of such entities. Accountable of course means accountable to Medicare, not to the physician and patient. […]

Premium almost doubles under obamacare

I am with Blue Cross Blue Shield. I currently pay $245.64 for insurance. My new premium will be $460.23 for insurance that is not quite as good as I have now. My premium almost DOUBLES. Now THAT is affordable health care! Boy am I excited!

Huge increase

I have the letter from the insurance company stating my wife’s health insurance premiums have been raised from $300 + to $600 + per month, YES, per month due to the affordable healthcare act, Obamacare.

Premium increased for my wife by 175% and employee premium increased by 165%

My wife’s coverage at age 63 under Regence Blue Shield which presently is at $324/mo. As of Jan 1, 2014, to obtain similar levels of coverage, we would need to go to the Gold plan. That premium is $890.79. If we went to the Bronze plan, the deductive would increase signficantly, only pay 60% of […]

My supplement insurance has double because of Obama Care

This President does not know what he is doing to this United States. That’s how he got the Democrats – he bought votes to get the Democrats to vote for this rotten Obamacare, The Congress and the Senate should be ashamed of this President.

Up Up & Away…not in my beautiful balloon!

I have been purchasing independent health insurance for the better part of twenty four years. The price of my current health insurance with my currently well known carrier is $235.00 a month. In order to keep roughly the same policy it will be going up to $450.34 a month starting in January. I would be […]

36% premium increase, forced to take lower deductible and “better” coverage

I am self-employed and do not have coverage through an employer. I haven’t read through all the details yet but the health care coverage I could afford (higher out-of-pocket) is no longer available. I am now forced to take a “better” plan with a lower out-of-pocket but a higher price tag that apparently someone else […]